I have had a few request to write a new blog post but to be honest I have felt there has been nothing worthy to share with you all.
So I thought I had either two options A) Lie and make my life here in London sound a lot more interesting than it really is. Or B) tell you the truth and share with you the events of the past few weeks.
I have decided to go with option B so if you get bored feel free to return to your facebook stalking/lurking and come back in a few weeks time to hopefully read what we all hope is a lot more interesting than what I am about to share with you.
So I don’t know if I have mentioned this enough but it is Winter over here in London, and I just want to firstly point out that I left Sydney on it’s first week of spring, and arrived in London pretty much in Winter, this means I have not had the luxury of spending time in the sun or seen much sunlight as a matter of fact in a VERY long time.
Before I left I was always told people in London get depressed during the Winter I never believed such stories, but now it makes perfect sense. Most days I feel like I am living the life of a vampire just missing the hot Edward Cullum from the story.
I know I am complaining a lot… I love London I really do, but I don’t understand why it has to be so bloody called and dark all the time. Last week the temperature was at a average of 14 degrees, people wouldn’t stop telling me how warm it is, and acting as if it was beach weather. All I had to say was please come back to me when it is 40 degree weather and so hot that your physically can not move without sweating…Then we can talk about how warm it is.
So I got new house mates today, they are pretty cool a boy from Victoria, Australia and one from South Africa, so far they passed my friendship test as one has just informed me that his cousin is a Photographer for Vogue magazine in New York…. With no time to waste he got straight on it and emailed his cousin for the numbers of any one in the industry I could do some work experience or assist work with over here in London, with added PS; The next time this girl is in New York she will follow you around like a shadow or lingering ex girlfriend that you have tried relentlessly to get rid of. I know I will deeply regret sharing with her your contact information yours truly Matt.
For those of you who were lucky enough to have received a AWESOME video via facebook, you would have realised that Anya my best friend was back in town for a little while (Not long enough unfortunately) she departed London to go home for Sydney just the other week. In the final days of her stay here I realised just how insane we are together and amusing our life really is, unfortunately not everyone else sees it this way by our un overwhelming responses to the videos we sent some of you.
So while Anya was here a lot happened and too much to share with you so I will be quick and try break down the few weeks into a few words.
Anya was drunk since New years eve she left London on the 10th….Not one of those days was she sober. She turned into a leopard. I striped naked after work on the streets of London into a dress to go out in (I should probably add I was sober and in Piccidily circus…my boobs were probably on display) sorry for the shame my family members and close friends of the family must be feeling right now. Made friends with Malfoy from Harry Potter. Anya learnt to speak in Puns. Anya got drunk at my work and had the most awkward conversation with customers in front of my boss. Anya stole someone’s roo. Anya fell for a married man (after I told her 7 times) “this man thinks we have pretty faces but he is a MARRIED MAN” We got invited to a wedding, although it was for the best that we did not go and use and abuse the free alcohol that would have been on offer. We discovered that ordering a JUG of cocktails for yourself is not the best option. Option B the one Renee takes is the more successful option which is to buy one cocktail at a time SO MUCH JUICE otherwise …and finally we discovered that just because I am wearing a basketball hat it does not make me gansta and cool…No Renee you can still not dance like Jessie J. It’s also a very bad decision to let Rachel’s actual gangster friends back to the house.
Once Anya left London it was time to start looking for more work, I cannot stress enough how poor I am right now. I will turn into a fish any day soon with the amount of Tuna and rice I live off.
Everyone also loves me at the station when I pay for my tube ticket with pennies I find around the house.

Today I was also told I am going to be evicted from my house for not paying rent over the past few weeks. So the next week or so should be pretty interesting. My next blog post will probably come from the 24hour Leytonstone McDonalds which I will adapt as my new house.
For those expecting the next chapter on my love story I will inform you now that there is no next chapter.
While Anya was here, we discovered that I have a problem with describing and finding every single person I meet perfect. It is possible I could find the good out of an alcoholic, drug taking, and homeless person and still describe him as the most perfect man… Wait a minute that is Pete Doherty and lets face it he is perfect in every single way possible in my eyes.
So what I am trying to say is that just because someone has a English accent, nice hair and good style does not mean they are my Chuck Bass and perfect guy…I am learning to stop falling in love with them and describing them as Chuck Bass or amaaaazing.
This is a guy that I have bumped into 4 times while here in London, all at different places.
I have no idea what his name is, or he number but he is now taken on the identity of drug addict polish guy.
Kinda strange and creepy... hopefully it is not love or fate.
Everything I have fallen in love with while living in London.
Geordie Shore – Uk version of Jersey Shore. Hotter people, cooler accents and just so much better. So good in fact when I have enough money to stop eating only tuna and rice, I am going to take a trip to Newcastle with my friend Rachel, cover ourselves in fake tan, fake nails and hair extensions, wear tiny dresses and get totally mortaled like they do.
English fashion
Saying the word “Innit” and calling chips “Crisps”…Well I have to call them this because at work it causes so much confusion if I don’t.
The Sun. The newspaper cost me 30p and is filled with all the best celebrity gossip and informs me on what’s going on in the world such as; Russel and Katys divorce.
Football. Ok ever since I went to Italy I found a love for the game, but now I find myself talking about it at least twice a day…just so many good looking guys… Go Arsenal!
The idea of summer, I am counting down the days and minutes….who would have thought a vampire looking girl like me could crave the beach and sun so badly?
The royal family. I am OBSESSED! Speaking of them everyone should watch Madonnas new film W.E, it’s very beautiful and a great romantic story.
Link to trailer = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lNg0cm69xU
Limo for Anyas 21st. We thought it was pretty cool, clearly no one else on facebook found it impressive and awesome!
I really do hope I see some of you soon over here, in the mean time I expect more skyping and facebook chats. I may look like a vampire but I am not dead yet, so please keep up the communicating
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